Bad Company chords by Bad Company

Song's chords D, Dm, C, F, G, E

Album Bad Company

Info about song

"Bad Company" is a song by the British hard rock band Bad Company. It was released as the third single from their debut album Bad Company in 1974, although it did not chart (in America). Co-written by the group's lead singer Paul Rodgers and drummer Simon Kirke, the song's meaning comes from a book on Victorian morals. The song uses the same chords and piano figure as Joni Mitchell's song "Woodstock" from 1970. Rodgers told Spinner that he decided to go with a song with same name as the band as, "I think because it had never really been done, as far as I knew. I thought it was interesting to come out as a brand-new band with its own theme song." (Source Bad Company Songfacts). Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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