Punk Funk Genius, a band coming from Bratislava, Slovakia, was founded in 2006. The decision to form a band was the natural outcome of common opinions and joy shared by a few friends. In 2007 the band started playing minor shows, at that time with an athlete and journalist Kubo Valachovic as the frontman. From january 2008 is the band’s line-up as follows: Mako Švec – vocal Maťo Barát – guitar, backing vocal Jano Klíma – bassguitar, vocal, backing vocal Dušan Husár – drums, backing vocal Rišo W...
Punk Funk Genius, a band coming from Bratislava, Slovakia, was founded in 2006. The decision to form a band was the natural outcome of common opinions and joy shared by a few friends. In 2007 the band started playing minor shows, at that time with an athlete and journalist Kubo Valachovic as the frontman. From january 2008 is the band’s line-up as follows:
The first demo record was recorded in march 2008. The three recorded songs later also appeared on the band‘s debut album “Ľuďom, ktorí sadia stromy“, recorded in November 2008. The band had a great time recording at Lavagance studio in Bratislava, with assistance of producer Marek Rakovický. The album was released by the band itself, the official date of issue being February 2nd, 2009. It is available in the distribution of the lable Slnko records as well as via band’s own distribution.
For the members of Punk Funk Genius it is very important to improve themselves and also their environment. They admire most the ones, who share this passion with them.
-----[ www.myspace.com/punkfunkgenius ]-----
Punk Funk Genius je bratislavská kapela, založená v roku 2006. Niekoľko priateľov si povedalo, že okrem spoločne zdieľanej radosti a názorov by mohli spolu začať aj tvoriť hudbu. V roku 2007 odohrala kapela prvé koncerty, jej frontmanom bol v tomto období malačanský atlét a novinár Kubo Valachovič. Od januára 2008 hrá Punk Funk Genius v zostave:
Dosiaľ si Punk Funk Genius zahrali na koncertoch a festivaloch v Bratislave i po Slovensku. Okrem nich stojí za zmienku účasť na súťaži mladých kapiel Blast:beat, kde kapela postúpila do finále a vyslúžila si cenu obecenstva.
Svoje prvé demo kapela nahrala v marci 2008 v Šulekove. Tri skladby tohoto dema sa objavili neskôr i na debutovom albume „Ľuďom, ktorí sadia stromy“. Nahrával sa v novembri 2008 v štúdiu Lavagance za producentskej spolupráce Mareka Rakovického. Album si kapela vydala sama, oficiálnym dátumom jeho vyjdenia bol 2. február 2009 a objavil sa i v distribúcii vydavateľstva Slnko records.
Pre členov Punk Funk Genius, ako aj pre ich priateľov je dôležité zlepšovať seba a veci okolo seba. Najviac si cenia všetkých, ktorí im v tomto snažení pomáhajú. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.