Hannah Montana is a fictional character from the Disney Channel original series of the same name, which debuted in March 2006. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. The series, produced by It's a Laugh Productions and Michael Poryes Productions, premiered...
Hannah Montana is a fictional character from the Disney Channel original series of the same name, which debuted in March 2006. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family.
The series, produced by It's a Laugh Productions and Michael Poryes Productions, premiered on Disney Channel on March 24, 2006, garnering 5.4 million views, giving the Disney Channel the highest ratings in its history and concluded on January 16, 2011 after having aired four seasons and ninety-eight episodes. The soundtrack albums Hannah Montana (2006), Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus (2007), Hannah Montana 3 (2009), and Hannah Montana Forever (2010) were released to coincide with their respective seasons. In 2007, the success of the series led to the Best of Both Worlds Tour, which visited North America. The following year, it was adapted into the 3D film Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert and its accompanying soundtrack. In 2009, the first feature film of the series, titled Hannah Montana: The Movie was released to commercial success, and was additionally promoted through its accompanying soundtrack. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.