(The text immediately below was translated from Italian to English using the Google Translator application. The original text in Italian directly follows it.) Versatile artist with perpetual resources, composer, singer, passionate scholar of dialects and popular cultures Eugenio Finardi was born in Milan on July 16, 1952. Child prodigy, takes his first steps in the musical universe hand in hand with the likes of Alberto Camerini and Fabrizio De Andrè. In 1976 he is "Sugo", an artist's revelatio...
(The text immediately below was translated from Italian to English using the Google Translator application. The original text in Italian directly follows it.)
Versatile artist with perpetual resources, composer, singer, passionate scholar of dialects and popular cultures Eugenio Finardi was born in Milan on July 16, 1952. Child prodigy, takes his first steps in the musical universe hand in hand with the likes of Alberto Camerini and Fabrizio De Andrè. In 1976 he is "Sugo", an artist's revelation album that has not yet finished surprising the connoisseurs of pop music. The album contains Radio and Musica Ribelle, a manifesto song by Finardi cantautore, suspended between the rage of the rocker and the lyric of love.
In 1978, with the release of "Extraterrestre" (contained in Blitz), Finardi definitively consecrated itself as the cornerstone constellation of Italian music. Visionary, but familiar, sometimes almost domiciliary, infinitely reassuring, "Extraterreste" is a song of abandonment in the arms of the unknown and of the different, a psychedelic dirge on evasion and the search for the new. Finally, many collaborations by Eugenio Finardi. We remember among others that with Alberto Camerini, the one with Francesco di Giacomo (from the Banco del Mutuo Soccorso), as well as the refined exploration \ rereading on the roots of Portuguese music carried out with Marco Poeta.
Artista poliedrico e dalle perpetue risorse, compositore, cantante, appassionato studioso di dialetti e culture popolari Eugenio Finardi nasce a Milano il 16 luglio del 1952. Bambino prodigio, muove i suoi primi passi nell'universo musicale mano nella mano con figure del calibro di Alberto Camerini e Fabrizio De Andrè. Del 1976 è "Sugo", album rivelazione di un artista che non ha ancora finito di sorprendere gli intenditori di musica leggera. L'album contiene Radio e Musica Ribelle, canzoni manifesto del Finardi cantautore, sospese fra la rabbia del rocker navigato, e la lirica d'amore.
Nel 1978, con l'uscita di "Extraterrestre" (contenuta in Blitz), Finardi si consacra definitavamente come costellazione cardine della musica italiana. Visionaria, ma familiare, a tratti quasi domiciliare, infinitamente rassicurante, "Extraterreste" è un canto d'abbandono fra le braccia dello sconosciuto e del diverso, una nenia psichedelica sull'evasione e la ricerca del nuovo. Molte infine le collaborazioni di Eugenio Finardi. Ricordiamo fra le altre quella con Alberto Camerini, quella con Francesco di Giacomo (del Banco del Mutuo Soccorso), oltre che la raffinata esplorazione\rilettura sulle radici della musica portoghese svolta con Marco Poeta. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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